Welcome to the Lexicon of technical terms for German / Swiss German Sign Language (Deutschschweizerische Gebärdensprache, DSGS)

This lexicon has been developed by a two year (2007-2009) Swiss National Science Foundation ‚DORE’ Project, together with the University of Applied Sciences of Special Needs Education in Zürich (Hochschule für Heilpädagogik Zürich, HfH) and the Swiss National Deaf Association (SGB-FSS) the Technical Training School for the Deaf (Berufsschule für Hörgeschädigte) Zurich-Oerlikon.

The limited time span of this project meant that only terms in specific subcategories of the two targeted fields of economics and nutrition could be represented.The first set of terms to be posted in 2008 for the field of economy focussed on terms related to taxes, renting and buying as well as basic economic terms needed by businesses and young persons entering the working world.

This was followed in 2009 by terms for nutrition and gastronomy, specifically for the themes of forms of nutrition, nutrients, gastronomy, technical cooking terms and utensils.
All information in the lexicon is in Swiss German Sign Language (Deutschschweizerische Gebärdensprache, DSGS) and written German.

For more information
Please go to the section ‚Help' for more information about how this website functions and how the technical terms have been collected in this project.